Pós-graduação em Biologia de Vertebrados

Publicações 2019

  • ANJOS, M.S.; BITENCOURT, J.A.; NUNES, L.A.; SARMENTO-SOARES, L.M.; CARVALHO, D.C.; ARMBRUSTER, J.W.; AFFONSO, P.R.A.M. (2019) Species delimitation based on integrative approach suggests reallocation of genus in Hypostomini catfish (Siluriformes, Loricariidae), Hydrobiologia.
  • BAZZOLI, N.; SILVA, V.E.S.; MARCON, L.; SANTIAGO, K.B.; SANTOS, J.E.; RIZZO, E. 2019. The influence of a large reservoir on the reproductive activity of the white piranha, Serrasalmus brandtii (Lütken, 1875) in Southeast Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 19: e20180580.
  • CABACINHA, F. K. R. ; ROSA, G. R. ; SANTOS, G. M. ;SALVADOR, G. N.; BIALETSZKI, A. ;SANTOS, G.B.. Analysis of three sampling methods of early life history of fish in marginal lagoons of southeastern Brazil. FISHERIES RESEARCH, v. 219, p. 105327, 2019.
  • CABANNE, G.S.; CAMPAGNA, L.; TRUJILLO-ARIAS, N.; NAOKI, K.; GOMEZ, I.; MIYAKI, C.Y.; SANTOS, F.R.; DANTAS, G.PM.; ALEIXO, A.; CLARAMUNT, S.; ROCHA, A.; CAPARROZ, R.; LOVET, I.J.; TUBARO, P.L. 2019. Phylogeographic variation within the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Aves: Furnariidae: Syndactyla rufosuperciliata) supports an Andean-Atlantic forests connection via the Cerrado. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 133: 198-213.
  • CRUZ VIEIRA, A.B.; WEBER, A.A.; RIBEIRO, Y.M.; LUZ, R.K.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. 2019. Influence of salinity on spermatogenesis in adult Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testis. Theriogenology, 131: 1-8.
  • DANTAS, G.P.M.; OLIVEIRA, L.R.; SANTOS, A.M.; FLORES, M.D.; MELO, D.R.; SIMEONE, A.; GONZALES-ACUNA, D.; LUNA-LORQURA, G.; BOHEC, C.L.; VALDEZ, A.; CARDENA, M.; MORGANTE, J.S.; VIANNA, J.A. 2019. Uncovering population structure in the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) along the Pacific coast at South America. PLoS One, 14: e0215293.
  • DUARTE, M.H.L.; CALIARI, E.P.; VIANA, Y.P.; NASCIMENTO, L.B. 2019. A natural orchestra: how are anuran choruses formed in artificial ponds in southeast Brazil. Amphibia-Reptilia,
  • FRUGONE, M.J.; PERTIERRA, L.R.; SEGOVIA, N.I.; MARTINEZ, P.A.; PLISCOFF, P.; BARBOSA, A.; ARAGON, P.; REY, A.R.; PISTORIUS, P.; TRATHAN, P.; POLANOWSKI, A.; BONADONNA, F.; BOHEC, C.L.; PETRY, M.V.; BI, K.; WANG-CLAYPOOL, C.Y.; GONZALES-ACUNA, D.; DANTAS, G.P.M.; NOLL, D.; POULIN, E.; VIANNA, J.A. 2019. More than the eye can see: Genomic insights into the drivers of genetic differentiation in Royal/Macaroni penguins across the Southern Ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 139, 106563.
  • GONÇALVES JÚNIOR, L.P.; MATTIOLI, C.C.; MARTINS, E.F.F.; SOUZA E SILVA, W.; CIOLETE, T.N.; VASCONCELLOS, A.S. 2019. Temperature-iduced changes in reproductive variables in the teleost fish Lophiosilurus alexandri. Journal of Thermal Biology, 80: 133-140.
  • LIMA, N.G.S.; OLIVEIRA, U.; SOUZA, R.C.C.; ETEROVICK, P.C. Dynamic and diverse amphibian assemblages: Can we differentiate natural processes from human induced changes? PloS One. 14(3): e0214316.
  • MARCON, L.; FREITAS, V.R.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E.; BENJAMIN, L.A. 2019. Growth hormone on ovarian morphology of lambari (Astyanax bimaculatus) after induced spawning. Ciência Rural. 49(08): e20180478.
  • MARTINS, A.C.L., VAZ, M.A.; MACEDO, M.M.; SANTOS, R.L.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; WENCESLAU; R.R.; VALLE, G.R. 2019. Maternal age, paternal age, and litter size interact to affect the offspring sex ratio of German Shepherd dogs. Theriogenology, 135:169-173
  • MELO, L.H.; MELO, R.M.C.; LUZ, R.K.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. 2019. Expression of Vasa, Nanos2 and Sox9 during initial testicular development in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) submited to sex reversal. Reproduction, Fertility and Development,
  • MELO, G.C.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; GALDINO, C.A.B. 2019. Lizard reproductive biology beyond the gonads: An investigation of sperm storage structures and renal sexual segments. Zoology, 135: 125690.
  • MENDES, I S ; PROSDOCIMI, F; SCHOMAKER-BASTOS, A; FURTADO, C ; FERREIRA, R L.; SANTOS P, P ; CARVALHO, D.C . On the evolutionary origin of Neotropical cavefish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) based on the mitogenome and genetic structure of cave and surface populations. HYDROBIOLOGIA, v. na, p. 1-5, 2019.
  • PASCHOALINI, A.L.; SAVASSI, L.A.; ARANTES, F.P.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. 2019. Heavy metals accumulation and endocrine disruption in Prochilodus argenteus from a polluted neotropical river. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 169: 539-550.
  • PINHEIRO, A.P.B.; MELO, R.M.C.; TEIXEIRA, D.F.; BIRINDELLI, J.L.O.; CARVALHO, D.C.; RIZZO, E. 2019. Integrative approach detects natural hybridization of sympatric lambaris species and emergence of infertile hybrids. Scientific Reports, 9: 4333.
  • REIS, A.S.; ZAMPAULO, R.A.; TALAMONI, S.A. 2019. Frequency of leucism in a colony of Anoura geoffroyi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) roosting in a ferruginous cave in Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 19(3): e20180676.
  • REIS, A.S.; ZAMPAULO, R.A.; BERNARDI, L.F.O.; TALAMONI, S.A. 2019. Monunguis streblida (Neothrombidiidae) in Brazil and its parasitic relationships with ectoparasites (Anastrebla and Trichobius) of bats. Parasitology Reseach,
  • SALES, C F ; MELO, R M C ; PINHEIRO, A P B ; LUZ, R K ;BAZZOLI, N.; Rizzo, E. Autophagy and Cathepsin D mediated apoptosis contributing to ovarian follicular atresia in the Nile tilapia. MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 86, p. 1-11, 2019.
  • SALES, C.F.; PINHEIRO, A.P.B.; RIBEIRO, Y.M.; WEBER, A.A.; PAES-LEME, F.O.; LUZ, R.K.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO,E.; MELO, R.M.C.; Effects of starvation and reffeding cycles on spermatogenesis and sex steroids in the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology vl. 500 (january 2020)
  • SALES, N.G.; WANGENSTEEN, O.S.; CARVALHO, D.C. 2019. Influence of preservation methods, sample medium and sampling time on eDNA recovery in a neotropical river. Environmental DNA, 1-12.
  • SANCHES, B. ; BECKER, R. A. ; HUGHES, R. M. ; PETESSE, M. L. ; RIBEIRO, J. R. ; SANTOS, G. B. . Fish based multimetric index for evaluating land use effects on large neotropical reservoirs. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY (ONLINE), v. 00, p. 1-12, 2019.
  • SANTANA, D.C.; CRAMPTON, W.G.R.; DILMAN, C.B.; FREDERICO, R.G.; SABAJ, M.H.; COVAIN, R.; READY, J.; ZUANON, J.; OLIVEIRA, R.R.; MENDES-JÚNIOR, R.N.; BASTOS, D.A.; TEIXEIRA, T.F.; MOL, J.; OHARA, W.; CASTRO, N.C.; PEIXOTO, L.A.; NAGAMACHI, C.; SOUSA, L.; MONTAG, L.F.A.; RIBEIRO, F.; WADDELL, J.; PIORSKY, N.; VARI, R.P.; WOSIACKI, W. Unexpected species diversity in electric eles with a description of the strngest living bioelectricity generator. Nature communications (2019)
  • SANTOS, J.E.; MARCON, L.; BRITO, M.F.G.; SALES, N.G.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. 2019. Reproductive biology of the Neotropical catfish Iheringichthys labrosus (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae), with anatomical and morphometric analysis of gonadal tissues. Animal Reproduction Science. 211: doi.org/10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106173.
  • SAVALLI, C.; ALBUQUERQUE, N.; VASCONCELLOS, A.S.; RAMOS, D.; MELLO, F.T.; MILLS, D. (2019)Assessment of emotional predisposition in dogs using PANAS (Positive and Negative Activation Scale) and associated relationships in a sample of dogs from Brazil. Scientific Reports. Natureresearch.
  • TEIXEIRA, D.T.; ANDRADE NETO, F.R.; GOMES, L.C.; BEHEREGARAY, L.B. ; CARVALHO, D.C. Invasion dynamics of the White piranha (Serrasalmus branditii) in Neotropical river basin. Biol. Invasins (2019)

  • Capítulos de livros publicados

  • CALLISTO, M. ; SILVA, D. R. O. E. ; MACEDO, D. R. ; CASTRO, D. ; POMPEU, P. S. ; BECKER, B. ; SANCHES, B. O. ; SANTOS, G. B. ; ALVES, C. B. M. ; CARVALHO, D. R. . Índices Multimétricos para Avaliação de Integridade Biótica. In: Callisto, M; Macedo, D R; Castro, D M P; Alves, C B M. (Org.). Bases Conceituais para Conservação e Manejo de Bacias Hidrográficas.. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: Centrais Energéticas de Minas Gerais, 2019, v. 07, p. 131-158.
  • MACEDO, D. R. ; CALLISTO, M. ; POMPEU, P. S. ; CASTRO, D. ; SILVA, D. R. O. E. ; CARVALHO, D. R. ; SANTOS, G.B. ; BECKER, B. ; SANCHES, B. O. ; ALVES, C. B. M. . Escalas Espaciais e Comunidades Aquáticas. In: Callisto, M; Macedo, D R; Castro, D M P; Alves, CBM;. (Org.). BASES CONCEITUAIS PARA CONSERVAÇÃO E MANEJO DE BACIAS HIDROGRÁFICAS. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: CEMIG, 2019, v. 1, p. 29-62.
  • RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLLI, N. Reproduction and embryogenesis. In: BALDISSEROTTO, B.; URBINATI E.C.; CYRINO, J. E. P. (Ed.). Biology and physiology of freshwater neotropical fish. 1a ed., Oxford: Elsevier, 2019. Cap. 13, p.287-313. Doi: org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815872-2.00013-0.

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