Pós-graduação em Biologia de Vertebrados

Pós-graduação em Biologia de Vertebrados :: Publicações 2017

Publicações 2017

>ARANTES,F.P.; SANTOS, J.E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2017) Invasão, colonização e atividade reprodutiva de um bagre de grande porte híbrido no Rio Paraopeba, bacia do Rio São Francisco, Brasil. Conexão Ci. 12(2). P.85-91

ARANTES, F.P.; SILVA, F.A.; SANTOS, J.E.; RIZZO, E.; SATO, YOSHIMI & BAZZOLI, N. (2017) Comparative morphology of gonads six species of fish belonging to the Family Anostomidae (Characiformes: Anostomidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical, 65 (2): 713-723.

BRANDÃO, L.E.D.; NASCIMENTO, A.V.; MARCON, L. SANTOS, J.E.; SANTIAGO, K.B.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. Comparative analyses of reprductive activity in Schizodon Knerii (Stendachner, 1875) (Characiformes: Anostomidae) in three sections of the São Francisco River basin. Journal Applied Ichthyology.

CARVALHO, D.C.; GUEDES, D.; TRINDADE, M.G.; COELHO, R.M.S.; ARAÚJO, P.H.L. (2017) Nationwide Brazilian governamental forensic programmme reveals seafood mislabelling trends and retes using DNA barcoding. Fisheries Research, 191: 30-35.

CARVALHO, D.C.; PALHARES, R.M.; DRUMOND, M.G. (2017) Food metagenomics: Next generation sequencing identifies species mixtures and mislabeling within highly processed cod products. Food Control, 80: 183-186.

FIGUEIREDO, A.F.A.; CORDEIRO Jr., D.A.; NOGUEIRA, J.C.; TALAMONI, S.A.; FRANÇA, L.R. Spermatogenesis in a neotropical marsupial species, Philander frenatus (Olfers, 1818). Animal Reproduction Science.

GALDINO, C; VENTURA, S.P.R.;LISBOA,C.C.;YOUNG, R.J. Social spacing of the montane lizard Tropidurus montanus. Herpetological Journal, 27: 333-338.

GALDINO, C.; VENTURA, S.; MOREIRA, G. (2017) Unveiling a spatial tail breakage outbreak in a lizard population. Amphibia Reptilia.

LIMA, N.G.S.; CARMO, A.O.; MARTINS, A.P.V.; SOUZA, R.C.C.; KALAPOTHAKIS, E.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2017) Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the high-altitude Brazilian tree frog Bokermannhyla alvarengai (Anura, Hylidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2017.1325339.

MAIA, T.A.; VILAÇA, S.T.; SILVA, L.R.; SANTOS, F.R.; DANTAS, G.P.M. (2017) DNA sampling from eggshells and microsatellite genotyping in rare tropical birds: Case study on Brazilian Merganser. Genetics and Molecular Biology. Online.

MAGRO, A.G.; ASSIS, V.P.; SILVA, L.C.; TAFURI, W.L.; SILVA, S.O.; MELO, M.N.; VALLE, G.R. (2017) Leishmania infantum is presente in vaginal secretions of naturally infected bitches at lower levels in oestrogenized bitches than in non-oestrogenized bitches. Acta Parasitologica 62 (3), 625-629.

MARCON, L.; THOMÉ, R.G.; MOUNTEER, A.H.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E.; BENJAMIN, L.A. (2017) Immunohistochemical, morphological and histometrical analyses of folicular development in Astyanax bimaculatus (Teleostei: Characidae) exposed to an organochlorine insecticidae. Ecotoxixology an Environmental Safety, 143: 249-258.

MARTINS, E.F.F.; MAGNONE, L.; BESSONART, M.; COSTA, D.C.; SANTOS, J.C.E.; BAZZOLI, N.; LUZ, R.K. (2017) Description of the composition of fatty acids and lipids in the breeders muscle, oocytes and in the embryonic development of Brycon orthotaenia (Günther, 1864). Animal Reproduction Science, in Press, doi.org/10.1016/j.anireprosci,2017.04.005.

MATOS, L.S.S.; PALME, R.; VASCONCELLOS, A.S. (2017) Behavioural and hormonal effects of member replacement in captive groups of blue-fronted amazona parrots (Amazona aestiva). Behavioural Processes, 138: 160-169.

MELO, G.C.; PINHEIRO, L.T.; PASSOS, D.C & GALDINO, C.A.B. (2017) Spatial organization of the Neotropical lizard Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata: Tropiduridae). Salamandra.

MELLO, G.C.; SANTOS, M.L.; ARANTES, F.P.; PESSALI, T.C.; BRITO, M.F.G.; SANTOS, J.E. (2017)Morphological characterisation of the digestive tract of the catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri Stendachner, 1876 (Siluriformes, Pseudopimelodidae) Acta Zoologica. 00: 1-10

PASSOS, D.C.; GLAUSS, L.H.A.; GALDINO, C.A. (2017) Predation of the hylid frog Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Bokermann, 1956) by the colubrid snake Chironius flavolineatus (Jan, 1863) in a montage rocky grassland. Revista Brasileira de Zoociências, 18 (1): 47-52.

PERILLO, A.; MAZZONI, L.G.; PASSOS, L.F.; GOULART, V.D.L.R.; DUCA, C.; YOUNG, R.J. (2017) Anthropogenic noise reduces bird species richness and diversity in urban parks. Ibis, 159: 638–646.

PROSDOCIMI, F.; PERINI, V.; DUMANS, A.T.N.; FFURTADO, C.; CARVALHO, D.C. (2017) The complete mitocondrial genome of the surubim Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) and mitochondrial phylogenomics of catfishes confirm monophyly of Siluriformes families. Conservation Genet Resour.

QUINTANA, E.C; GALDINO, C.A.B. (2017) Aggression towards unifamiliar intruders by male lizards Eurolophosaurus nanuzae depends on contestant’s body traits: a test of the dear enemy effect. Behavoiur.

RAMIREZ, J.L.; BIRINDELLI, J.L.; CARVALHO, D.C.; AFFONSO, P.R.A.M.; VENERE, P.C.; ORTEGA, H.; CARRILO-AVILA, M.; RODRIGUEZ-PULIDO, J.A.; GALETTI JR., P.M. (2017) Revealing Hidden diversity of the underestimated neotropical ichthyofauna: DNA barcoding in the recently described genus Megaleporinus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) Frontiers in genetics .n.n.

RIBEIRO, Y.M.; MATOS, S.A.; DOMINGOS, F.F.T.; SANTOS, H.B.; VIEIRA, A.B.C.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. Germ cell proliferation and apoptosis during testicular regression in a seasonal breedind fish kept in captivity (2017) Tissue and Cell.

ROSA, G.R.; SALVADOR, G.N.; BIALETZKI, A.; SANTOS, G.B. (2017) Spatial and temporal distribution of ichthyoplankton during an unusual period of low flow in a tributary of the São Francisco River, Brazil. River Res Applic. 1-14.

SALES, N.G.; PESSALI, T.C.; NETO, F,R, A.; CARVALHO, D.C. Introgression from non-native species unveils a hidden threat to the migratory Neotropical fish Prochilodus hartii (2017) Biol. Invasions.

TALAMONI, S.; VIANA, P.I.M.; COSTA, C.G.; PALÚ, L.; OLIVEIRA , R.B.; PESSÔA, L.M. (2017) Occurence of leucism in Eira barbara (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Brasil. Biota Neotropica 17 (3): e20170328

TORQUETTI. C.G.; SILVA, M.X.; TALAMONI, S.A. (2017) Differences between caves without bats in a Brazilian karst habitat. Zoologia 34: e13732. On line

TRUJILLO-ARIAS, N.; DANTAS, G.; ARBELAÉZ-CORTÉS, E.; NAOKI, K.; GÓMEZ, M.I.; SANTOS, F.R.; MIYAKI, C.Y.; ALIXO, A.; TUBARO, P.L. CABANNE, G.S. (2017) The niche and phylogeography of a passerine reveal the history of biological diversification between the Andean and the Atlantic forests. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (in presss).

VENTURA, S.P.R.; PASSOS, D.C.; MACHADO, L.L.; HORTA, G.; GALDINO, C.A.B. (2017) Escape tactics by a neotropical montane lizard: a comparison of fligth responses against natural and nonnatural predators. Acta ethol 20: 9-15

VIANNA, J.A.; NOLL, D.; DANTAS, G.P.M.; PETRY, M.V.; BARBOSA, A.; GONZÁLEZ-ACUÑA, D.; LEBOHEC, C.; BONADONNA, F.; POULIN, E. (2017) Marked phylogeographic structure of Gentoo penguin reveals an ongoing diversification process along the Southern Ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107: 486-498.

WEBER, A.A.; MOREIRA, D.P.; MELO, R.M.C.; VIEIRA, A.B.C.; PRADO, P.S.; SILVA, M.A.N.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2017) Reproductive effects of oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Astyanax rivularis inhabiting headwaters of the Velhas River, Brasil. Science of the Total Environment.

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